Ugandan communities, especially the extremely poor are host to people running from conflicts in their home countries and  affected by humanitarian crises, often without access to medical care, clean water and sanitation facilities, proper nutrition, quality education or protection. Supporting the provision of these services is central to ESIMO’s policy of protecting children and women in humanitarian situations. We use technology and innovations to deliver much needed  food, medical supplies and health care to the last miles health centres.

In humanitarian situations, ESIMO endeavors to:-

  • Work to ensure access to inclusive, quality learning and emotional support for pre-primary, primary and secondary school students.
  • Provide emotional support, guidance and temporary shelter for children and women who are victims of Gender best violence, domestic violence and victims of human trafficking.
  • Provide teaching and learning supplies, as well as appropriate learning environment foe children.
  • Institute Community and School Anti-Domestic Violence Teams to protect Children and women from being subjected to abuses and human rights violations. This approach will help create safer communities for children and women to thrive.
  • Partner with schools, communities and Donor Agencies to build schools, health centres and clean water sources to promote social and economic development of communities as well as having healthier communities.