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Our History

ESIMO was formed to spearhead community action aimed at preventing violence against children, young people and women

Our History

Empathy For Single Mothers Organization (ESIMO) , was established after the COVID-19 outbreak which resulted in the government of Uganda taking drastic measure to curb the spread of the corona virus by closing all academic institutions and shutting all nonessential facilities closer. The lockdown disrupted women’s access to antenatal services and sexual reproductive health services for adolescents girls resulting in increased cases of teenage pregnancies, domestic violence, forced marriages and increased new HIV+ cases among teenagers. Victims of Domestic Violence had nowhere to seek shelter and psycho-social support. Many adolescent girls had babies during the lockdown, their hopes for continuing with their education where totally shattered. Most of them had to raise their child in poverty because of their lack of employable skills.


ESIMO was formed to spearhead community action aimed at preventing violence against children, young people and women. ESIMO realized that its possible to created safe and secure communities for children, young people and women by increasing community sensitization, awareness and agency so that women and girls have greater knowledge and sense of entitlement to their rights. women and girls have amplified voice to participate in leadership, have income security, decent work, economic autonomy, live a life free of any form of violence.