Food Security and Climate Change Resilience

With increased pressure on the poor as a result of lack of knowledge and resources to counter hunger and climate change we take the initiative to sensitize communities on how to practically and smartly  fight hunger, through engaging in climate smart agricultural farming models which are able to  respond to the changing climate and to become more resilient and productive. This initiative helps poor communities especially small scale women farmers to produce enough to feed a growing population and reduce poverty via  a food value chain approach through working in cooperatives and producer organizations.

Furthermore, we actively engage in the development and implementation of standards, guidelines, plans and policies.  Increasing awareness about technology and innovation’s ability to help solve problems and effective provision of social services seeking patterns which will ensure adequate provision of services as well as conducting fundraising campaigns and Grant sourcing to enable delivery of humanitarian goods to communities in need, including:

  • Agricultural equipment supplies for food production, post-harvest handling and value chain addition
  • Educational supplies, Infrastructure development
  • Food
  • Medical supplies
  • Vehicles
  • Construction of clean water sources for schools, health centres and communities at large.

We also ensure access and utilization of technologies and innovations for an all-inclusive Sustainable Development in all fields including education, health, agriculture, environment, infrastructure development, digital and electronic human rights advocacy services and sensitization.